Sorry I haven't been updating lately- between the hot muggy weather, and laziness, I just didn't feel like it! I will try to put up some new pictures over the next couple days, otherwise, here is what we've been up to:
Amy and I traveled into Boston and visited the New England Aquarium. Fun for her- not so much for me- 2.5 hours each way between the train and subway, and I was exhausted by the time we finally got home! But she had fun, so it was worth it!
Still waiting for her new bed- the furniture maker decided to discontinue the style she had chosen, so we had to go and select another- I think the new one is actually prettier than the first, though it was more expensive, they are not charging us any more. Now it may be the end of September before it is delivered- they brought us out a bedframe and the mattress we had purchased so at least she is off the air mattress now.
We installed a new wall a/c unit in the family room- it is so much quieter, and doesn't drip water between the walls like the old one- that's a plus!
We finally got the crib put together- somewhere between Houston, where
Amy used it, and here, we lost some of the hardware- so had to order replacement parts, they didn't quite fit right, so Mark gotto try out his new workshop in the basement, and drilled new holes- the new hardware actually seems to work better than the original.
I actually got Mark to go "babyshopping" and he picked out the bedding- looks like we are doing a little cowboy/jungle animals- this is the bedding, but the mobile he got has safari type animals on it! I also have all the diapers and covers ready- Yes, we are doing cloth- just like we did with Amy! One exception- we are going old fashioned and using flats- Amy has even learned to fold them and is practicing on her baby doll!
I have also met several more of our new neighbors, all very nice! one across the street has a friend down at the Perkins School for the Blind, and she took us down there last week for a tour- the man that took us around has the same eye disease I do, only he is pretty much totally blind. Amy liked playing on the playground they had there, too. Irene also took us to a place called Garden in the Woods- I will have to go back, since we only stopped for a few minutes so she could show us around.
Went for my 28 week appt. yesterday- baby is growing perfectly, measuring 28.5 weeks (exactly in line with my dates) heartrate is good, and I had my glucose test done- results came back great today- only 111, so I don't have to take the 3 hour test like I had to with Amy! Oh, I also only gained 4 pounds since my last visit, for a total of 21 so far!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
26 Weeks!
Hi Cheryl!
I feel so excited and blessed to have finally made contact with a friend from Lakeside that I have not gotten to talk to in over a year! I can't wait to talk again and get caught up!
Amy's Bed
Turns out the reason I couldn't find a picture of the style she chose is because I had the name wrong! It is actually the Camden collection by Vermont Tubbs-
It will be like the queen bed, only in twin size.
It will be like the queen bed, only in twin size.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Big Sister
Amy has been really sweet- she has taken to reading to "her baby brother" and I thought I was getting tons of hugs lately, then she told me she was actually hugging her baby brother!
I saw these "only child/big sister" shirts online and she has been bugging me for months to get her one- I realized I actually had a stack of iron on paper, so made this up on the computer today and surprised her with it- she was thrilled!
Monday, July 7, 2008
More of getting settled...
Some photos I took today- I didn't bother with photoshop so please forgive the mess!
This is the first time we have had a garage that fit both cars and extras at the same time!
Getting Settled!
Well, we've been in the new house about 2 weeks now! The move went fairly smoothly, and we haven't really found anything that was broken. Things are slowly getting unpacked, and though there are still boxes around, we are fairly functional at this point!
We ordered Amy a new bed, but since it is being custom made, it will be about 6 weeks before it gets here. This is the closest one I could find to show what she chose- the one she picked is called "Kendra" but I think the style has since been discontinued. Hers will have solid end panels, and the knobs will be the same color she chose for the rest of the bed- antique white. It is being made by this same company:
One thing that the previous owners left for us was a ping pong table- we went this weekend and picked up paddles and balls, and soon discovered Amy is a natural!
One of my next tasks is to get the baby's room cleared out- seems to have become a catchall for those things we are not quite sure what to do with yet! I finally located all the hardware for the crib, so once the room is cleaned out we can get it set up! We'll see if the baby uses it- Amy didn't until she was older, and then only for naps! The crib is pretty much all we have left, though Mark's mom bought us a few outfits while she was here.
We ordered Amy a new bed, but since it is being custom made, it will be about 6 weeks before it gets here. This is the closest one I could find to show what she chose- the one she picked is called "Kendra" but I think the style has since been discontinued. Hers will have solid end panels, and the knobs will be the same color she chose for the rest of the bed- antique white. It is being made by this same company:
One thing that the previous owners left for us was a ping pong table- we went this weekend and picked up paddles and balls, and soon discovered Amy is a natural!
One of my next tasks is to get the baby's room cleared out- seems to have become a catchall for those things we are not quite sure what to do with yet! I finally located all the hardware for the crib, so once the room is cleaned out we can get it set up! We'll see if the baby uses it- Amy didn't until she was older, and then only for naps! The crib is pretty much all we have left, though Mark's mom bought us a few outfits while she was here.
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