Saturday, February 28, 2009

Party Time!

We had 15 girls show up for Amy's party last night- I think 10 spent the night- I didn't actually count. Amy had a blast, and we actually got to sleep- the girls pretty much stayed in the basement and made as much noise as they wanted, and we could barely hear it all the way upstairs!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Checking in...

I am in a flurry of preparing the house (and myself...) for Amy's 10th (how did that happen!?) birthday party. Last year, we had a sleepover with 14 of her closest friends, and since I swore I would never do that again, I had to stand my ground! This year we only invited 17!

On another note, Justin has become a very wiggly 4 and a half month old- almost 15 pounds, and has found his feet, loves to grab the food off your plate, and tries to push the buttons on the computer while you are trying to type (just trying to help, mom!)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Checking Out the Camera

Justin has fiured out he can roll over several times in a row in order to get places!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank You Aunt Linda!

We wanted to say a quick thank you and show off the cute outfit my Aunt Linda and Uncle Rod sent for Justin- it fits him perfectly!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I have video!

OK, I figured out the other night that my camera takes little video clips- I wasn't going to post any, because I thought it would be weird to see the video but not have any sound. Well, today I clicked on one of the clips and it played the sound too! So here is my first video- It is at dinner the other night, Justin has started to grab at things on our plates, so we decided to let him suck on a piece of honeydew melon. He loved it, and cried when he started to drop it! Right now he is doing great on just breastmilk- we don't even need to supplement anymore (yeah!), but like I said, is really interested in what we are eating- I am trying to wait till 6 months to really give him any solids. Giving him a cup and bowl to play with just doesn't do it for him!

More Pictures

Just a little taste!
Amy's Snowman! We all went outside to look at it!

Justin touching snow for the first time :-)

He loves this toy- he pushes it around and it plays music

Socks don't stay on very long now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What can I say- baby smiles are great- of course, I am a bit biased with this one! 3 and a half months now- 13#13oz, 24 3/4" tall- and has become very talkative!