Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Patriot's Day Celebrations

Here in Massachusetts Patriots Day is a big deal. We decided to join in, and Mark took the day off work- we got up at 3:30 am and got to Lexington by 5:00 am- it was packed! We will have to get there earlier next year! They have a big reenactment of the battle that started the Revolutionary War, on Lexington Green. What a sight it was (for those who could see!) Amy spent the time on Mark's shoulders, but there were som nay people, Mark and I could not really see much of the battle- We did let Amy use the video camera and film it, but we haven't watched it yet. We ended up staying out there the whole day, going to various activities, chatting with the soldiers, watching memorial ceremonies. It is so full of history, and the reenactment took place on the exact spot the actual battle took place 233 years ago! They also had a parade that we watched, and ended up not getting home till almose 5pm. Here are just a few pictures we took- Amy insisted on one with the Texas flag- she was born there, and seems to really take pride in that fact, even though she was only 18 months old when we left!

She got a new wooden musket at the gift shop, and spent a lot of time "shooting" the redcoats!
Amy Especially liked seeing Paul Revere when he arrived to Warn us that the Redcoats were coming! Of course that probably had a lot to do with the fact that she loves horses!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

That sounds so fun. I have never been back east to see any of that type of thing. Someday we want to take the kids for a history tour.