22 Weeks- I feel bigger, but I think baby is shrinking some of my "reserves"! My pants are fitting looser in the rear, hips and thighs, but my belly seems to be narrower and more pointy now- with Amy, I carried very large and very round, and had no waist left at all! Don't worry- I am eating plenty- just mostly eating healthy food, and the midwife says everything looks great, baby measures right on target- I have only gained about 10 pounds so far!

Here is Mark and I in front of a statue of Andrew Jackson in Washington, D.C.

Amy and I in front of the White House.

Amy and Mark at the Vietnam Memorial

Amy, Bev, Mark and I in front of Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate in Alexandria, VA.

Amy showing off her new roller skates!

Amy and I on board the USS Constitution in Boston.
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