Thursday, March 20, 2008


OK, I promised pictures, but I haven't been feeling that great, and honestly just didn't feel like messing with it!

Still not feeling great, but seems to be getting better- I love morning sickness! When I was pregnant with Amy, I had only a light touch of it between weeks 8 and 10, then it went away- this time around it started before week 5, and is still sticking around, all day!

Mark took me shopping for maternity clothes, since I was down to 1 pair of "fat" jeans from like 20-30 pounds ago! I am so much more comfortable- I know it is not really the baby sticking out yet, but it is pushing everything else up and out- being very short waisted (I have less than a finger width between my hip bone and my ribs!) there is nowhere for it to go but out!

Went to my first official visit with the group of midwives, and it was great! I met 2 of them (out of 4) and they spent over an hour chatting, and did an exam. They said there is no reason for me not to plan for a VBAC, and they and the drs that back them up all discourage epidurals, and prefer not to induce. This really makes me happy, since I want to have a natural birth this time around!


Rachel said...

Isn't morning sickness great?? Glad everything seems to be going along good. Are you going to peek if it is a girl or boy? I find out Wed what our little baby is. I will post the news on my blog. Take care.

jennifer said...

hey tanya this is jenn reynolds. i thought i would say hi. my e-mail is congradulations on the baby.